Forms and Permits

Failure to abide by guidelines, Town of Birchwood Ordinances, State and Federal laws may result in penalties and fines. 


Request For Designation Of ATV Route form must be submitted to the Town Chairman or Clerk/Treasurer in advance of not less than five days prior to the meeting date to be included on an agenda as an action item. All agenda items are subject to approval by the Town Chairman. Monthly Town Board Meetings are typically the second Monday of each month, beginning at 6:00 p.m.

The Town of Birchwood Board must submit their request(s) annually to the Washburn County Highway Department by the last Thursday in January in the year to be considered. (plan ahead!)


Driveway permits are required in the Town of Birchwood for anyone  within the Township that is putting in a new driveway, modifying an  existing driveway – including driveways to a house or field roads – or  needing a building permit. See ‘Driveway Ordinance’ adopted March 8,  2010. 

• A driveway permit is needed prior to applying for a building  permit. 

• Call the Town Shop at 715-354-7047 to set up an appointment to  meet at the site. 


Placement of mailboxes are specified within the Town of Birchwood  ordinance O 02-2019. 

• All mailboxes on Town of Birchwood road rights-of-way are  strongly encouraged to be mounted on a swing arm type of post.                                  • If all mailboxes were the swing away type, it would benefit the  road maintenance crew, the mail carrier, and the box owner. 


Anyone within the Town of Birchwood planning to remodel or build  any type of building must obtain the proper permits from the Town of  Birchwood (driveway permit) and Washburn County Zoning (zoning  permit/s). 

The Town of Birchwood zoning is handled by Washburn County  Zoning 715-468-4690 Zoning ( 

The Town of Birchwood’s UDC (Uniform Dwelling Code) Inspector  is Jon Mattson of Atlas Inspections 715-648-5444.


Pursuant to WI Stat. 174.052, notice is hereby given to all Washburn  County dog owners that you are required to license and vaccinate for  rabies, under provisions of WI Stat. 95.21(2), any dog over 5 months of  age. (Statute defines a “dog owner” as anyone who owns, harbors, or keeps a dog.) The license year is defined as January 1 – December 31. Two ways to obtain license and tag. 

1. At the Clerk’s office during office hours. 

Provide a copy of each dog’s current ‘Rabies Vaccination’ certificate Check or M/O (no cash) 

2. By mail. 

Provide a copy of each dog’s current ‘Rabies Vaccination’ certificate Check or M/O (no cash) payable and mailed to the Town of Birchwood,  N1549 County Road T, Birchwood, WI 54817 

Self-addressed stamped envelope (license/tag will NOT be mailed if  stamped envelope is not provided.) 


$10.00 per dog for spayed or neutered dog 

$15.00 per dog for unspayed or unneutered dogs 

$5.00 late fee per dog after March 31st

$50.00 for up to 12 dogs and $5.00 for each additional dog If you no longer have a dog(s), please complete this form. Dog Statement of Death or Disposal


Visit the WI DNR’s website for current burning restrictions and  Permits. Wisconsin Burning Permits | | Wisconsin DNR


Required in the Town of Birchwood. Contact Town of Birchwood Chairman or Clerk/Treasurer


Alcohol/Tobacco Licenses are required for businesses in the Town of  Birchwood. Contact the Clerk/Treasurer to obtain the required forms or  visit DOR Alcohol Beverage (